The AGM took place on Thursday 26 August.
It was well attended and the President’s summary of the year was well received
The winners of the Road Running Championship and the Hill Running Championship will not be known until December. However, the Cross Country Champions of 2009-10 are Gordon Dobbie and Anne Noble. The winner of the Xmas Handicap was Anita Johnson.
The President also thanked his predecessor, George Malone for his two years tenure and excellent service.
This has been Owen Light’s tenth years service as club Treasurer and Owen has decided that it is time for another to take up the challenge. When Owen first took on the books, the club’s financial existence was doubtful. He is leaving the club with a healthy balance sheet which will now be picked up by our current Membership Secretary, Ian McNee. Ian’s job as Membership Secretary will be taken on by past president, Gordon Dobbie.
The President thanked Owen on behalf of the club and led a round of applause.
Key office bearers for the next year are as follows:
President – Alastair Skeoch
Vice President – Niall MacPherson
Secretary – John McKinlay
Treasurer – Ian McNee
Membership Secretary – Gordon Dobbie
Club Captain – George MacGregor
Press Secretary, web updater, championships organiser and general dogsbody – Alex Drain 🙂
Subs for the coming year are now due and have been set at last years rate of £25 for new members and £10 for current members.