The best hill races to run are the ones you’ve never run before. That way you have no expectations for your time and you can just enjoy the run.
I must admit I couldn’t quite believe that there could be such an imposing hill so far south but Criffel stands high over the Solway Firth and dominates the skyline over New Abbey. (Well worth a visit BTW. A small village with a large ruined abbey and lots of interesting houses – and pubs
We registered in an area that could best be described as the “town square” and the race starts just a few feet away. The first half mile or so is on road/track before it turns into rocky trail and then into a mud fest.
By all accounts this is the driest it’s been for a very long time but “dry” is a relative term. I sank up to my knee at one point!
On the way up it’s a steady trudge and I tried hard not to let Alex disappear too far into the distance. By the time I circled the summit cairn I was probably no more than 30 seconds behind him.
Of course, descending is where Alex really shines and I quickly lost sight of him. I was passed by a couple of runners on the way down but worked hard to out distance another runner on the second ascent of the minor peak and then chased another lady down the hill until I could pass her on the “flat” (i.e. not quite so steep).
I managed a few good falls, one time scubbing my right side through somevery dry and woody heather, one time ending up on my hands and knees in a soupy peaty bog and one classic “hill runners fall” where I rolled and was back on my feet running without losing any forward momentum.
The race finishes on road (giving me a chance to make up slightly for my abysmal hill running) and I was happ enough to only finish a couple of minutes behind Alex.
All in all probably one of the most enjoyable hill races I’ve done. Highly recommended.
Even if you never run the hill it’s worth climbing for the fantastic views.