Hello all
The 2023/24 AGM will be held at Marr College on 5/9/24 at 7pm followed by a run.
Accounts for this period will be presented along with the formation of the new committee for 2024/25. There are a number of current committee members stepping down so we now need some of the other members to step up and help out either as an office bearer or a general committee member, meetings take place once a month and last for around an hour, the committee work on the clubs, short, medium and long term goals for the year ahead.
After six years i have due to work commitments decided to step down as President it has been a great six years and a lot has been achieved, i will be around to help and support the new incumbent which i hope one of you will take on, Matt will be around as VP to help and support, it really is a great opportunity to give something back even for one year you don’t have to serve six !!
If anyone is thinking of helping on the committee in any capacity please speak to myself orĀ Matt or indeed any other committee member and we can talk through with you ahead of the meeting on the 5th, all of the below posts will be supported with a handover from the previous person who had held the post.
Posts and those who have agreed to continue listed below
President = Vacancy
Membership Secretary = Vacancy
Vulnerable Adult Welfare Officer = Vacancy
Captain = Vacancy
Vice PresidentĀ = Matt Pearce
Secretary = Alan Dunlop
Treasurer = Joan Mcintosh
General Committee members Liam Convery – George McGregor – John McCabe – David Carmichael – always vacancies for general committee members
Thanks all